What's This All About?

Your own website? Your own blog? Your own consulting company? Media channels too? Are you serious?

Yeah. I am.

Truth be told, I’m more than a little nervous to do this, but it’s been something I’ve been thinking of doing for a long time, and as one of the greatest binge-worthy shows, 30 Rock, once said, “It’s never too late for now.”

So, what makes this different than all the other blogs and coffee ventures out there? Well for one, I get to say whatever the hell I want. Wow, that was freeing. But also, I see a gigantic hole in the bridge between coffee knowledge, coffee professionals and coffee consumers. There’s so much misinformation and noise out there, and I have an incredibly unique CV and an opportunity to start cutting through that.

My How-To’s are going to be geared for the average American coffee drinker, the ones with Mr. Coffee machines and kitchens that don’t have gram scales, because everyone deserves to know how to make an awesome cup of coffee. My YouTube/ IGTV channel will feature more than just me espousing what I think about coffee, or tossing pocket science and preference at you and touting it as fact. It’ll introduce a wide range of professionals of all backgrounds to coffee drinkers to start demystifying coffee and the people who work in it. My educational programs on this site will teach everyone how to enjoy making coffee, and teach them to level up their knowledge (should they want to), with no expectation of creating Coffee Masters out of everyone. My educational programs for cafes and baristas will be interactive and personalized for the model of each company. There will be no judgements or shaming coffee preferences, roast levels or brew methods, just appreciation and good ol’ fashioned exploration. Actually, I lied. There will be judgement for the systems already in place that need to be dismantled. Oh, and it’s gonna be fun as hell, too!

Coffee pros forget that we were taught everything we know, that we didn’t magically pop out of the womb knowing how to make pourovers or what processing methods coffee undergoes. But, we act like we did, and we still act like you have to be an expert to enjoy coffee.

“Butts to that!”, I say. I think the love of coffee that we have as experts can intersect with the curiosity and love of those of us that don’t work in coffee.

Erika Vonie